Prime  Brokerage

Our enhanced Prime Brokerage capabilities combine global & local market access with capital efficiency, operational ease and flexibility. We deliver Brokerage Services with world class technology, in depth market research, personalized service and support to help our clients achieve optimum results trading the financial markets of the world. Clients benefit from a wide range of products and services including:

  • Equities trading
  • Derivatives trading
  • Margin trading
  • Online trading
  • Islamic trading

Investment Management

BHM Capital established an Investment Management function to maximize the risk-adjusted return on clients’ portfolios. Our plan will accommodate various investment objectives via offering full-fledged products and services to serve both institutional and high net worth individual customers as well as managing discretionary and non-discretionary portfolios. We therefore dedicate top experts in the field to preserve the wealth of our clients by following best practices and implementing highest standards.

Market Making &  Liquidity Providing

The Market Making desk at BHM Capital is a source of liquidity for the Capital Markets in the UAE. As a licensed Market Maker on the Abu Dhabi Securities Exchange and the Dubai Financial Market, the team provide constant bid/offer prices in listed equities and derivatives. In addition, the desk act as Liquidity Provider for listed companies in the UAE. This service is specifically designed to help companies increase the turnover of their shares. BHM Capital is appointed by and contracted to the company to assist in achieving their specific liquidity aspirations.

Introducing  Services

Clients’ trust goes beyond theservices provided directly by BHM; it reaches to BHM’s large network of local and international banks, finance companies, and well reputed financial services providers, to satisfy the Clients’ diversified financial needs.
BHM provides Introducing services to Clients for the purpose of dealing in non-competitive financial products, and only if the introduced provider is licensed by a recognized financial regulator similar to the Securities & Commodities Authority or the Central Bank.

Establishing, Managing and Promoting Funds

Our goal is to offer highly performing funds that deliver its returns in the medium and long term, through putting a consistent solid investment strategy into action.

To provide access to new investment opportunities, BHM Capital devotes top professionals in the industry with extensive knowledge in capital markets and investment management.

Fund Administration

This service will allow BHM Capital to act as an intermediary between fund managers and investors to handle day to day fund administration processes, as following:

  • Deal with compliance and clients’ onboarding needs.
  • Receive clients’ monies in its bank accounts.
  • Assist with fund structures in various jurisdictions.
  • Maintain the register of Unitholders.
  • Handle daily statutory bookkeeping and investment limits.
  • Ensure compliance with reporting obligations.

Listing Advisory

BHM Capital is licensed by SCA to provide issuing companies with consultation prior and post listing in the financial markets. The main role of the Listing Advisor is to ensure that the issuing company meets the listing requirements, in accordance with the applicable roles and regulations.

Research &  Corporate Advisory

We offer clients top-grade research and corporate advisory services that meet highest professional standards. Our goal is to stand out by bringing modern research concepts, while offering bespoke advisory services. On one side, the research function expands to cover periodic public disseminations, thematic notes, and more unique products to come. On the other side, our corporate advisory capability covers a wide range of services, including financial statement analysis, capital budgeting, as well as optimizing corporate actions and sources of funds. Our philosophy is to deliver timely, fair, and clear guidance to our clients based on their objectives and unique circumstances.

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اشترك للحصول على حساب تجريبي مجاني

اشترك للحصول على وصول كامل إلى منصة التداول الخاصة بنا بمبلغ افتراضي قدره 100,000 دولار أمريكي.
⚠️ Fraud Warning
BHM Capital financial services warns the members of the public that its official website operates only under one domain name which is & It is not connected with hosts of any other websites that may look similar to its official website or uses the similar logo or name. Our website has all our verified location, information & services. If you receive any suspicious messages or identify any suspicious websites that impersonate or purport to be related to BHM Capital financial services, please give us a call on 800-567-000
تحذير من عمليات الاحتيال ⚠️

تودّ شركة بي اتش ام كابيتال للخدمات المالية أن تلفت انتباه الجمهور إلى أن الموقع الإلكتروني الرسمي للشركة  هو وهو ليس متصلًا بأي مواقع إلكترونية أخرى قد تبدو مشابهة للموقع الإلكتروني الرسمي للشركة أو تستخدم اسم مشابه

يحتوي الموقع الإلكتروني الخاص بنا على جميع معلوماتنا المؤكدة مثل العنوان، قنوات الاتصال والخدمات المتنوعة التي نقدمها.

إذا وصلتكم رسائل مشبوهة أو اكتشفتم مواقع إلكترونية مشبوهة تدّعي أنها “بي اتش ام كابيتال”، فيُرجى الاتصال بنا على 000-567-800