Aiming to Strengthen Engagement with Students and Graduates BHM Capital Participates in CoBA Business Day at the University of Sharjah

Dubai, July 1st, 2024


BHM Capital, a leading financial institution in the capital markets of the United Arab Emirates, participated in the CoBA 2nd Business Day that was organized by the College of Business Administration at the University of Sharjah, earlier this month. The event aims to provide exceptional job and training opportunities for the college’s students and graduates, linking them to the employment sector. The event saw significant participation from students and graduates, reflecting the college’s efforts to empower its students and graduates to secure suitable jobs.

Two years ago, BHM Capital signed a memorandum of understanding with the University of Sharjah to develop students’ capabilities for promising job opportunities in financial markets. This includes providing effective joint activities such as participation in activities and events to enhance students’ practical skills and equip them with the necessary experience for entrepreneurship and work in the investment and financial services sector.

Abdel Hadi Al Sa’di, the CEO of BHM Capital, emphasized the company’s commitment to enhancing communication with students and graduates, attracting outstanding individuals to work in the financial sector, and offering suitable training and career opportunities. He noted that the company views this as part of its duty towards the UAE community, contributing to bridging academic knowledge with practical experience, and enabling students and graduates to reach careers that match their aspirations and meet the employment market needs in the country and the region.

He added, “The College of Business Administration at the University of Sharjah is among the best specialized colleges in the UAE and the region. Such events help discover talented individuals and provide the necessary training and qualifications to enhance their competitive abilities in finding suitable jobs after graduation. Through our participation in this important annual event, we look forward to increasing student and graduate involvement in various business sectors and achieving economic growth.”

During BHM Capital’s participation in the event, their team was eager to answer students’ and graduates’ inquiries and inform them about promising opportunities in financial sectors, especially the investment sector in the financial markets. They explained the mechanisms, programs, and systems the company relies on to increase its presence in this field and the role that youth can play in developing work, enhancing trading efficiency, and the importance of continuous training to ensure graduates stay updated with the latest developments in this field.





About BHM Capital Financial Services:

BHM Capital is a leading private joint stock company listed in the Dubai Financial Market (DFM) and regulated by the UAE Securities and Commodities Authority providing services to individual and corporate investors. Since its establishment, it has been one of the top-ranked firms in the country’s financial markets and a pioneer in financial technology, making it a regional leader in providing essential tools for corporate and individual clients.

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